Some of our Stories commemorate a specific time or project, like Covid or our Fellowship inquiry, but are still worth telling because they remind us of our reflection and inquiry journeys. They are collected below.
COVID Time Capsule
Dance teaching stories of perseverance, resilience, adaptability & creativity
2020-22 were years of immense challenges and surprise opportunities, and through it all dance educators made dance happen for their students and community–learning video editing to teach asynchronously, building home studios for synchronous teaching, figuring out the ins and outs of hybrid and concurrent teaching, setting up tents to teach outdoors, and sometimes doing this all simultaneously. This Time Capsule shares the stories of these teachers, the obstacles they overcome, and the moments of inspiration and joy, and celebrates their perseverance, resilience, adaptability, and creativity.
Ask a Fellow
In the spirit of inquiry and research, Luna is constantly investigating what it means to support established and emerging dance leaders. In 2020-22 we held a teaching artist fellowship and through an Ask a Fellow platform, teaching fellows Rossana Alves, Samad Raheem Guerra, and Alisa Rasera engaged with practitioner peers to answer questions related to teaching practice. Explore the questions and responses below.