Summer Institute
Since 2000, Luna’s nationally-acclaimed Summer Institute has offered the most extensive Professional Learning for dance teaching professionals.
Offered annually as a yearlong experience, the SI includes a five-day summer intensive, a midyear weekend seminar, individualized coaching, peer exchanges and a final Gallery Walk. Funded in part by The National Endowment for the Arts, this program is offered at no cost to 12 individuals through a competitive application process.
Leadership Institute
Luna offers teaching artists opportunities to dive into new levels of responsibility, collegiality, mentoring, program design and more.
Through an emergent design process, Luna’s Leadership Institutes gather leaders to develop and expand skills and foster reciprocity through sharing of expertise and resources.
Family Dance Institute
Our Family Dance Institutes provide time and space to investigate the relationship-building capacity of dance.
Social justice workers, early education teachers, therapists, dance teachers and parents study attachment and play theories, neuroscience and early movement patterns and explore how to create engaging dance curriculum to build trust and connection.