Practitioner Exchanges create time and space for educators to connect, build a peer community, and explore issues of practice through informal conversations facilitated by Summer Institute alumni.
Get inspired with new ideas or perspectives, ask for help with your challenges, and share your own expertise. Each month centers on a different topic and a Practitioner Exchange is often paired with workshop offerings as an opportunity to integrate and revisit information throughout the year. Practitioner Exchanges are included in the cost of workshops as follow-up discussions.
In 2024-25 Practitioner Exchanges are held on Zoom, 4:30-6pm Pacific.
2024-25 Exchanges topics coming!
Restarting & Reimagining
As you come back to teaching this fall, how are you restarting and reimagining your curriculum, your classroom, your practice? How are you holding space for yourself and your students as artists, as co-learners, as community members? What new goals do you have for yourself for this new year? Connect and reflect with fellow dance educators in this casual, roundtable conversation hosted by Summer Institute alums and teaching artists Melissa Dykstra and Luz Pereyra.
More topics to be added! Check back regularly for updates.