Brought out confidence I didn’t know I had
“I was concerned about reaching my students this year and staying connected with the dance community. However, the ability to try out new ways of connecting and being placed into new teaching settings brought out confidence I didn’t know I had. The creativity blossomed beyond teaching a dance class into interacting with the space around you, using the video camera as your audience, and engaging students with emerging curriculum. I see a future in the journey I started and am excited to continue exploring new ways of dance artistry and education.”
Simone is taking this creativity and confidence into her new dance organization, CANVAS Dance Arts, offering DANCEmix, a site-specific choreography and dance film camp this summer.
Simone van der Meer (she/her)
Dance Teaching Artist
Jewish Community Center San Francisco
CANVAS Dance Arts, co-founder
SI Alum 2020
Taught synchronously and in-person, outdoors, distanced + masked, and at farmers markets!