Rosemary Hannon
Rosemary Hannon is a performer, choreographer and dance teacher. Since 1996, she has taught a variety of dance forms, improvisation and composition throughout the San Francisco Bay Area at dance studios and schools and for non-profit arts organizations. Rosemary has also been teaching Contact Improvisation since her first collaboration with Vitali Kononov in 2004 at the American Dance Festival including at the West Coast Contact Improvisation Festival and Jam, CounterPULSE, ODC School, Eighth Street Studios, Finnish Hall, Sierra Contact Festival and the Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation. In 2004, Rosemary completed her MA in arts-integrated teaching from University of San Francisco. From 1996-2005 she taught music and dance in public elementary schools for Young Imaginations, an arts education non-profit and from 2005-2007 she was on the faculty of Luna Dance Institute and managed their studio dance program. Since 2007, Rosemary has been teaching dance at Cragmont Elementary in Berkeley Unified School District. She teaches stand alone, standards-based dance for all grades and works with classroom teachers at Cragmont to integrate dance into other core subject areas.
LEADERSHIP GOAL: Working with this cohort will help me to articulate dance goals (for both in-person advocacy and for writing articles and grants) at the school, district and larger dance education community level in order to help create a more comprehensive district-wide dance program in Berkeley Unified.