A Permanent Home for Luna
I came to dance as an adult, joining a collaborative dance troupe in San Francisco called the Tartlettes. I was welcomed in regardless of my minimal dance experience to create and perform choreography, design costumes, book gigs, and support a community of fellow performers. It was through this experience that I completely fell in love with dance and the endless possibilities for creativity and building community that it offers.
As a nonprofit director working with educators of all subjects, I deeply appreciate Luna’s commitment to support teachers as well as students and parents, and the ripple effect of change their professional learning programs have in the Bay Area and beyond. Luna brings dance to students in public schools, social service agencies, libraries, Head Start programs, and many other environments, making dance accessible to children who might be excluded because of socio-economic, language, or special education barriers.
Luna’s policy work and ongoing support for dance teachers has had a direct impact on teacher retention. In fact, Luna surveyed past participants of their Summer Institute and they discovered that the majority (83%) had remained in the field.
Luna has bought a colorful three-story, 10,000-square-foot building in southwest Berkeley. The purchase will end a long history of displacement, which started in 1992 and resulted in the organization having to relocate nine times since then. The building will contain two studios for classes and workshops, a parents’ room and library, and meeting rooms for developing programs. To purchase the building and make the site ADA accessible, Luna launched a $2.5 million capital campaign. The campaign has already raised half the goal, and with community support, Luna is confident it can raise the rest. With a permanent home, Luna’s life-changing dance programs will reach more people and have an even greater impact on the community.
As a current Luna board member and co-chair of the capital campaign committee, I am thrilled to be a part of the effort to bring Luna’s 31 years of experience and vision to life in a dedicated space. This endeavor promises to be a truly magical experience, benefiting not only Berkeley and the arts but also the children, parents, and educators who will have a new “home” to learn, grow, and share their creativity with the world. Given the impact of COVID-19 on our youngest learners, I am committed to supporting teachers and organizations that have been there all along, helping to create a better future. I am hopeful that with Luna’s experience and vision, we can create a brighter future for our community.
I am inviting you to join me in supporting Luna’s capital campaign. Luna Dance Institute is already working with teachers and students that you probably know: partnering with SFUSD, OUSD, San Francisco Ballet, Marin County Office of Education, Berkeley Unified Child Development Centers, and more. They are also key advisors for Prop 28. Will you join me in supporting Luna? Luna will continue to be the strongest advocate for our children and they understand the challenges of the moment and the importance of arts in education. With your support, Luna’s reach and impact can only grow. Please consider supporting Luna’s capital campaign today.
– Tracy Gallagher