A New Day
by Patricia Reedy
Back to School! That is what yesterday felt like in every way. The day began with a major catch-up director’s meeting. Nancy and I are orienting new staff, initiating a different approach to fundraising for 2013-14 and managing delays in cash flow. At 11:30 our multi-faceted orientation began. This year’s strategy was to have other faculty take on aspects of Orientation. Nancy started us off with a walk through Luna’s history followed by a re-commitment to our three Critical Paths. Staff was so ready for the goal setting process that ideas were bouncing around the room and we left that session very clear about where we’re headed for the upcoming year. A major direction this year is a shift in my role as the founder. While I’ll still retain my responsibilities as Director of Teaching & Learning, the amazing proficiency of our team is mandating that I back away from day-to-day operations of Luna and focus on putting the last ten years of Luna’s investigations on the page. This is a scary new endeavor for me and, at a later Public Relations session led by Cherie we decided that writing about it in diary/blog format might allow for some daily low-stakes writing practice and make our process transparent to other dance educators and arts organizations who may be grappling with similar transitions. The day ended with a two-hour cocktail party to welcome dance educators back to their academic year. Attendees included Summer Institute veterans from several years back as well as new comers to Luna. A few brought their children and partners. Wine & cheese were consumed with relish, folks gathered around our new library books and we danced together-connecting with colleagues old and new. After cleaning up the crumbs, I spent an hour revising my October InDance article and returned home exhausted but satisfied.
A question to launch the year is how do dance educators bring their SELVES to the teaching situation?